Local Offer (SEND) Mission Statement
Our Preschool recognises that all children have a right to protection from abuse. Sheering Village Preschool CIC takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of all children.
Sheering Village Preschool values the abilities and achievements of individual children, and is committed to providing for each child the best possible environment for learning and development.
How does our setting know if a child needs extra help and what should we do if we think your child may have special educational needs?
We are open to hearing any concerns or receive any information available from parent/carers on registering your child with the Sheering Village Preschool to ensure that we can accommodate your child and help your child reach their full potential when they join us. This will ensure that we are the best fit for your child.
At Sheering Village Preschool we do ongoing observational assessments of all children in our care. These are linked to the Development Matters ages and stages of development, which can help us identify individual needs of the children. These observations will be discussed with the room leader, the setting SENCo and setting Manager.
On joining Sheering Village Preschool all children are allocated a keyworker who meets with the parent/carers to discuss their current level of attainment based on the Development Matters, EYFS framework (ICP). However, we use ongoing observations of the children during each session, assessing their development and learning to determine their needs are met. Each term we also measure all the children’s achievements against Development Matters to ensure they are moving forward. These activities also highlight whether there are any SEND concerns.
After joining our preschool each child not only has a Keyworker but also a significant other (in the event of the Keyworker being absent). The Keyworkers’ role is to develop trusting, sensitive relationships with parents and children to enable respectful sharing of information. If you have any concerns about yourchild’s development you can ask for time to discuss this in private with them. If your child’s keyworker has identified a possible individual need they will discuss the matter with you in private and plan together to support your child’s learning and development. Kim, Sheering Village Preschool’s trained SENCo, can offer advice and support to the keyworker and room practitioners. Our SENCo will liaise with other professionals to seek advice and support in identifying individual needs if necessary. Support and advice from the Area SENCo and the Early Years Advisory Teacher can be sought with parents’ permission.
Reports from health care professionals such as health visitors and speech and language therapists identify children’s individual needs. The setting welcomes parents and professionals sharing these reports with them in order to plan appropriately to meet individual needs.
How will Sheering Village Preschool staff support my child?
We provide an environment in which children with SEND are supported to reach their full potential. On induction to the setting the SENCo, leader or keyworker and parents share information about the strengths and needs of the child. The parents will have the opportunity to accompany their child on a visit to help settle them and develop a relationship with the keyworker. Our primary concern is the wellbeing of the child to this end we will work with the parents and support the child together.
As previously mentioned your child’s learning plans are based on observations and continuous assessments. We will listen to you as well as your child. Our SENCo will explain how children’s individual needs can be met by planning support using our ‘Planning to Respond’ information sheets (which are accessible to not only keyworkers but all members of staff) and the advice from Area SENCo. She will also explain who may become involved in your child’s development and their role. The keyworker will work with the SENCo to oversee the targets set for your child. The Keyworker will be in session with the child, if not then the SENCo would be present. They will identify individual needs and plan next steps, accessing additional support from others where necessary (e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, (SALT) or applications for additional funding, (IF2)). and will be reviewed with parents.
The keyworkers’ role is to foster relationships with, and understand the individual children. Our SENCo will maintain an overview of experiences and progress. She will also work with other practitioners to ensure provision is relevant/appropriate and seek support when needed.
How Sheering Village preschool creates learning and development opportunities for individual children with SEND
Every child is unique; hence we provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum. Our SENCo works closely with our staff and has responsibility for the day-to-day operation of our SEND Policy and for coordinating provision for children with SEND. We use the graduated response system for identifying, assessing and responding to these children, based on their needs. We use ‘Planning to respond’ information or behaviour plans; these are drawn up in consultation with all who are involved with the child.
The Planning to respond plans are used as a basis to plan, implement, monitor, evaluate and review the children with SEND. We build into the planning play and behavioural strategies based on feedback we have on the children to ensure the sessions meet their needs.
We use resources to support the child to adapt and join in at the preschool, which also creates learning and development opportunities. Resources could include: Now and Then Books, pictorial choosing boards, exploratory boxes with themed toys for the children to find and discuss, speaking boxes for voice recording, basic Makaton and introduction to Braille, sensory toys plus others.
How Sheering Village Preschool works in partnership with parents/carers
A strong relationship between Sheering Village preschool and our parents is important to us. We work closely with all parents of children including those with SEND to create and maintain a positive partnership.
Throughout a child’s time at the preschool we support parent/carer engagement with access to our staff at the beginning and end of each session. We also track the children’s development, create annual reports on progress, hold Open evenings for parents to discuss their child with staff, as well as telephone access to the Manager. We carry out a 2 to 3 year check with the parent/carer when the child has been attending for more than half a term. Parent/carers can ask to see their child’s Learning Journey at any time and are encouraged to provide us with photos from home.
Open Evenings are held at least once a year giving parents the opportunity to speak with their child’s keyworker. In addition to this we use ‘Daily Books’ to inform parents of the activities their children have been involved in during the morning. Parents are advised that if they have any problems however small then to bring them to the attention of a member of staff at any time. Our SENCo will also meet with you to discuss and implement any strategies or plans put in place.
How Sheering Village preschool supports the wellbeing of young children with SEND
The staff approach is inclusive, positive and welcoming to all. We make available to parents our admissions policy, Safeguarding policy and SEN code of practice. User friendly child profile forms are given to parents, during an initial meeting, to complete to help practitioners meet the individual needs of the children. During that meeting we will also discuss any support needed, such as toileting requirements, allergies and medicines etc. We will also discuss details of any other agencies involved with the child, if at all.
We provide a flexible approach to routine and environment which are based around the needs of the children. Open, transparent communication is encouraged from the start. Adults act as good role models for positive behaviour and a continual positive approach to behaviour management is maintained. The setting also has a behaviour policy which is, again, available to parents. The keyworker builds relationships with the child and family and they provide personal care respectfully to all children. The staff are trained to administer medicine.
Although there are safety measures, such as safety gates, in place, children are supported to manage their own personal care and manage risks for themselves. We have a safe, secure and alarmed accessible building, with a security procedure for the collection of children. Resources are accessible to the children for independent choice. There are sensitive, warm interactions between adults and children. The Area SENco gives a lot of support to the SENco and keyworker.
Staff training and experience in supporting young children with SEND
Our staff have a wealth of experience of working with children with disabilities and special needs. We have cared for children with behavioural and speech development delay, autistic spectrum disorders and for children with physical disabilities.
We are trained in pediatric first aid and safeguarding procedures. Our SENCOhas additional experience of working with children with disabilities. We work with the Essex Area SENCO and other professionals to ask advice and guidance on SEND issues. All staff are regularly kept updated on SEND policy and are sent on regular training as and when needs are identified. We continually reflect on our practice and all training is refreshed regularly.
Specialist services and expertise accessed by our setting
Sheering Village Pre-school has access to advice and guidance from our Essex Area SENCO, Health Visitors, Speech and Language Therapists, behavioural support, Children Centres and Specialist Teachers.
All staff have accessed child development training and have experience of working with children within the Early Years age range. The child/family can access a number of services available in the locality linked to the child’s identified needs such as: Physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, portage worker, Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT). The setting has good links with the local children centre.
The local authority Area SENco supports the setting SENco. With parents’ permission advice can be sought from the Early Years Advisory Teacher. If the child’s needs are identified as a specific need then the team with the expertise in this area will take up the support for the child and the setting in meeting the child’s needs, for example the physical sensory medical team.
How Sheering Village preschool includes young children with SEND in community based activities and outings
All children are included on our Annual Coach trip to Paradise Wildlife Park. We also have an annual trip to the Sealife Centre in Southend for older children in the setting. The children’s needs are identified and planned for. Risk assessments are completed for all trips beforehand to ensure it is accessible for all to access. A mobile phone and a first aid kit are always taken with us as well as any medication such as epipens or ventalin pumps. In addition to this, all children and staff wear high visibility vests.
Sheering Village Preschool’s accessible environment
Sheering Village Pre-school is situated within Sheering Village Hall and is at ground level, there are no steps to enter the building and there are wide doors for wheelchair access to the building. We will work closely with parents to access any specialist equipment that is required. We have child steps for the toilets and washbasins. We will make reasonable adjustments to our settings layouts if needed.
How Sheering Village preschool prepares and supports young children with SEND when joining the setting and when transferring to another setting or school
We encourage parent/carers and children to attend our Mums and Tots group to become acquainted with the environment as well as visiting during a session. We work closely with each family to develop a settling routine to support the child.
When joining another setting we endeavour to share the children’s development records with that setting or school. We work closely with Sheering Primary school as well other schools in the area supporting transitions. We join Sheering Primary school every Friday morning for their assembly as well as attending their church services, such as the Harvest Festival and the Mother’s Day service. We also have visits from the schools’ teachers and the children are invited to visit Sheering Primary School’s reception class in the term before they will join the school in addition to planned transition programmes. Any extra requirements are discussed and planned for.
How Sheering Village preschool organises its resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND
As a Community Interest Company (not for profit) we are able to have staff levels above the legal requirement and if necessary we can apply for extra funding from Essex County Council to support individual children as required. Our fundraising provides all resources on offer to the children. Having a “good” Ofsted report we are able to accept children with 2 year funding as well as the usual 3 year funding. We are able to adjust our budget to provide additional resources or adapt additional resources.
How we decide on appropriate support for young children with SEND
If a child comes into the setting with a pre-existing known condition then we use the information provided by the necessary outside agencies to provide a “play plan” to meet the needs of the child. If it becomes apparent through observation and assessments (linked to the EYFS and knowledge of development matters documents) carried out by the keyworker, and supporting information from the rest of the staff, collated during staff meetings, that your child may need extra support then parents, along with outside agencies, would be asked for their input. This information is collated, evaluated and reviewed regularly. TheManager/SENCo will work closely with you and other professionals to determine your child’s needs.
By working in partnership with parents and other professionals involved with the child/family it will support the decision making process. The SENco will advise on the process of applying for extra support. The inclusion funding process will identify the level of need based on the evidence submitted to the panel from the setting and other professionals working with the child/family.
Reports from health care professionals or others working with the child and family will be used to plan support within the setting. The area SENco or the Early Years Advisory Teacher or other professionals working with the setting SENco will support the decision making process linked to planned SMART targets set by the keyworker based on the observations and assessments made. The targets will be written alongside parents and will include how parents can support the child at home. Although staff meetings within the setting will ensure all staff working with the child knows the child’s needs and how to support them, should it become apparent that these targets need to be altered then staff will meet to discuss.
If your child has a Special Educational Need and you would like to know more about how we could support them please contact us on 01279 734306 (between 9am and 12pm).